Reginaldo Santos
Reginaldo Santos
**Environment info:** _devopsfaith/krakend:2.0.4_ successfully deployed with flexible configuration. **Describe what are you trying to do**: I have distributed tracing for http requests configured with Elastic APM server (and EFK stack)....
**Environment info:** _devopsfaith/krakend:2.0.4_ successfully deployed with flexible configuration. **Describe what are you trying to do**: I'm already propagating some JWT claims as HTTP Headers to the up stream services (backend)....
**Problem Statement** I'm working on a multi-tenant application, built by several microservices which, in turn, are clients in keycloak. There's a contract that rules which microservices a tenant is allowed...
Steps to reproduce: select some text in the browser, hold right button of the mouse and drag it to some textfield with numeric mask. It allows the text to be...
With the following combination: ALT key (Hold) + numeric KeyPad key combination + ALT key (release) it is possible to "brake" the mask. For instance, it is possible to add...
### Current Behavior While importing clients with Authorization Settings **sometimes** Scopes are not bound to Resources and **sometimes** Groups are not bound to Group Policies. Then, during authorization, users receive...