Thomas Threadgold
Thomas Threadgold
We should also update the `blueprints.yaml` file to include all possible attributes for the `endpoints./pages.get.fields` field options.
- Remove the "installation by gpm" section until the plugin is actually released to gpm. - add a section "when to use?" comparing the api plugin vs grav's existing content...
FYI: We can iterate through the user profile fields with `$user->toArray()`.
So, you can currently edit modular page content by querying for the child routes with a `_` prefix, e.g. `/modular-page/_module-one` or `/modular-page/_module-two`. However, would it be nicer to support editing...
Currently, there is no way to upload media such as images/pdfs etc to a page. The `/pages` endpoint does not allow this. A separate resource could be useful to separate...
I think `/api/media` would probably be better, as there are a variety of media types supported by Grav -- an endpoint of `/api/images` would not accurately reflect that.
I would like to get the plugin to a more stable state before releasing to GPM, as we currently do not have to worry about breaking changes to the API...
It's currently a global plugin option, so you are unable to do this on a page-by-page basis. You could, however, set `ignore_current` to `false`, and then override the twig template...