
Results 13 issues of Danial

This PR adds `top/bottom/left/right` options which can be used instead of/with `x/y`. I've also added `width/height` for images. The readme/test have been added/updated, but I cannot run them on my...

Latest version is `v3.3.6-beta1` But the repo only seems to be up to `v3.2.2`

Would be a nice addition to be able to have more than one type of pet on the desktop at once and be able to remove just 1 or all...


Unable to chop hollow trees down for bark.

Could you add a _[shields.io endpoint badge](https://shields.io/endpoint)_ compatible endpoint? For example the following json would return this badge: [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/endpoint.svg?url=https://shields.redsparr0w.com/2473/way2muchnoise)](https://img.shields.io/badge/endpoint.svg?url=https://shields.redsparr0w.com/2473/way2muchnoise) ```js { 'schemaVersion': 1, 'label': 'downloads', 'labelColor': 'E04E14', 'message': '14,883,554', 'color':...

Would be awesome if we could get the option to add badges before usernames. _(possibly with an option to enable/disable them)_ Currently only `minechat` and `frontend-horse` have any badges as...

overlay configuration

When running the `getOpenWindows` method, any fullscreen windows are excluded from the returned list.

## Description Added Dungeon Guides, they will automatically guide you through the dungeons, although they may be slow and expensive. Currently unlocks after 10 clears of a dungeon. Guide price...

## Description Allows you to zoom and pan on the map Also adds a button to full-screen the map Still need to figure out the panning to be pixel to...

Add a license to the repo. Refer #3248 for some previous input
