> Swagger/OpenAPI for documentation? I have no experience myself with these and what are the benefits over plain Django Restframework. I've done a little research and looks like a good...
Would you make short bullet-point list of what this task might look like? Just to get a rough idea how much work implementing this would be. I believe it is...
I see all of these points are quite a bit of work. However, the generation of TypeScript code for the frontend and refactoring puts us one step closer to following...
Currently under development: Encountering issues that **require help from more experienced developers:** - [ ] Fix react-router of main.js when included in bundled app. The webapp does not seem...
Bumping total rewards on this task x2 (from 1M to 2M Sats)
> Hello @Reckless-Satoshi ,I think I can start with fixing react-router Assigned you. This task is pretty hard for a newbie like me. Ongoing work with everything needed to build/develop...
> @Reckless-Satoshi I think the main point on loading the local bundle is based on this line I think this URL only was interesting because it was a general...
Thanks a lot for this update and the work you are putting into getting the Android app done! > # Build the JS inside the App > ## CONS >...
Excellent work! This "torification" is certainly proving to be way more challenging than expected (... and the expectation was for it to be very hard). > This is complicated, I...
Closing this issue. Current steps towards Android torified app in and #257