So, if add code like this: ``` c# engine.Evaluate("print(track.status());"); ``` we will see, that variables are untracked: Status InMem FileBase FileExists Saved a untracked NA NA NA It's so strange....
It's really strange - I don't often use RStudio, I use Console for testing primary raw code. So, what's the difference maybe between R.NET + RStudio and R Console, because...
That's sooooo strange! As I told earlier, it could be connected with task callbacks. Look at this code I've got from help: ``` times print(sum(1:10)); [1] 55 > print(sum(1:10)); [1]... RStudio also works normal, execute this code well if not using 'source(...)'. So, It's really connected with incorrect 'addTaskCallback' working in R.NET
skyguy94, sorry, it's not an attempt to blame jmp75 or you in something, it's just an attempt to understand of the root of problem - R limitation, R.NET realization or...
No way. Just use different processes and organize client-server architecture.
I mean that you need to run each REngine in the independent Process, not Thread. So, you need to transfer data between your main app and slave processes which realize...
I have a similar problem. I have different Behaviours, registered as generic pipeline behaviours. All of them are global. I want to use some of them for one group of...