Ahmed Rebai

Results 17 issues of Ahmed Rebai

Hi , what about deploying this application to github pages or firebase #Hacktoberfest 2020

Hi, We have to implement a project that requires the usage of the BLE and we have requirement that we should support Android 2.2, it's possible with this library?

Hi asonWatmore I would say thank you for this good project, by following the best practices :1st_place_medal: I would ask you if I would work in MR to make project...

hello i wish display the calendar with days and hours , something like this ![issuesgithub](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13053759/17831680/35f904dc-66e7-11e6-8c68-745d5423115b.png) i didn't know how to change the default options ?

Hello I want to ask if this project is still more active and accepts contributions? Thanks in advance Rebai Ahmed

Hello, I want to ask if it's possible to integrate this lib with expo-project?

Hello dear `ngx-filesize `maintainers, after doing an upgrade to Angular 14 `/node_modules/ngx-filesize/fesm2020/ngx-filesize.mjs:3:0-32 - Error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'filesize' in '/home/ahmed/Desktop/work/ing-frontend/node_modules/ngx-filesize/fesm2020'` Any solution for that?