mmm indeed it seems that you'r right, in the meantime i've build a CGI in docker as a workaround but mayyybe that using it as a module is better thanks...
hi, mac m1 user here, i don't have any issue with it, maybe try to connect the controller after the start of the stream?
unfortunately i'm on ubuntu
thanks for your answer, for the next ones that will read us, i can't find `glasstron` but i've found `Vibracy Continued `on the vscode store, it work for windows and...
yup i have the same issue and i'm also running big sur, did anyone find a fix for that?
well for me it just don't want to work even if i have exactly the same version than you, i really don't know why, do you know anything else that...
well i've try with vscode as root and without, with and without your configuration, still nothin, that's black magic i suppose
+1 i do have the same problem, impossible to generate nor renew ssl certificates using the webui