Harrison Deng
Harrison Deng
Before anything, I would like to disclose that I'm using a very simple modified version of this extension, but only to the extent of being able to use tectonic (see...
I'm wondering if this is the same issue I'm having? Currently, setting `tectonic` as the value of `c.LatexConfig.latex_command` results in no output in the LaTeX Error window despite popping up....
Okay, I have a working prototype on my private git server. Mind you, I call it a working prototype since I've only lightly tested it with tectonic, but it's a...
Just to keep everyone posted, I ended up setting setting up and testing `synctex` with the `tectonic` compiler and it works nicely! Kudos to the team behind this extension and...
I'm having this same issue with a JupyterLab version 3.5.2 instance created by a JupyterHub version 3.1.0. Using the `connected` parameter as described by @mwouts also works.