+1 Hope we get this also for scoreboards/tab and even more text-related places, really usefull combined with resource packs
I know I know, but what I meant is by using , because it allows us to create for example, custom full screen fade out animations, custom logos/images, etc
Still doesn't work, tested with both AppsID but still nothing, getting error 500 from server
Yes, that's actually the next branch, the old one didn't requiere the App ID for anything (I think)
Check out Discord in the general channel, if you are online now we can try to short some things out!! Thanks btw!
It does work perfectly since lot of time ago
I'm not at home currently sorry, but someone will help you soon don't worry
Keeps happening in spigot 1.12 with skrayfall 1.9.12 and with 'enableFastScoreBoards' set in true and false, it just updates the scoreboard to all the server from the latest player you...
`on join: sblobby(player) function sblobby(p: player): wipe {_p}'s sidebar set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&4T&fN&4T&r &cTag" set score "&d" in sidebar of {_p} to 9 set score "&e&lMonedas:&r&e...