
Results 13 issues of RealAquilus

i saw that there can be made something with SWT but i'm not very pratical with it so before starting using Avian i would like to know if can make...

I know the last commit is from a month ago, but the last "release" is almost 2 years old, i really want the project to be alive a new cross-platform...

The readme tells that this doesn't work on the Raspberry Pi 4 but no information are given about Raspberry Pi Zero W

Really thanks for the plugin, i really hope the project keep going and updated. Love it!

Please don't kill SharpDevelop, i love how much portable it is!

I have been trying for an entire day, i have followed the documentation step by step, i have been through a lot of errors, i had success fix some of...

Hi, to start i would like to say that i really love this imgui bind for python it is really straight forward and i'm getting a lot of fun with...

type: docs
state: pending

Hi i tried to compile the repo myself, i didn't change anything neither and the build has been done with the stock CMakeList (no BUILD_PRO or other stuff changed, really...

I see that the last commit is about a year ago, i love PixelVision i hope the development is going good!

The repository is stuck at 5/4/2021. Is this extension dead? I hope not it is really useful, makes VS Code even more "indipendent" and the UX is also damn nice,...
