Results 7 issues of Alphabet

Thank you for your awesome work ! It works fine, but unfortunately the keyboard layout is definitely broken and I couldn't find any solution on the web for it. Maybe...

good first issue

There is a logic error in the default XHR loader code of HLS. `response` can be `null` if the request failed. Also in accordance with the specification. > Note: When...

### What type of issue is this? Incorrect support data (example: Chrome says "86" but support was added in "40") ### What information was incorrect, unhelpful, or incomplete? Chrome support...

help wanted :sos:
data:webext :game_die:
good first issue :100:

### Description First of all, thank you for your time in maintaining this project. I would like to know if it is currently possible to retrieve the HTTP response body...

Selected for Development

### Description Since the beginning of the year, I've been experiencing a problem with the Oauth2 Discord API. Randomly, Oauth2 tokens return "401 Unauthorized" when I try to retrieve the...


Evil regex : `(a+?)(b+)` For example, with this as input : `(a times 1000)zab` The number of steps increases exponentially.

Under Linux, when an error is encountered, the library stops sending new requests until the process is restarted. This is because the `cleanExit` promise is never resolved when the `exit`...