John Cheung
John Cheung haven't figure out how yet but my idea is to change those might be global ones into `${sth}` eval() output something like `His name is $name` $name is unresolved...
hmm, after some research and experiments, I think Observable works like this: The cells created will be parsed by the [parser](, then evaluated and computed by the [runtime](, which also... It works, but in a very complex way...
For question 1, I think under the current version of observable this works all the time (at least I haven't encountered failure yet... ), but for the importing part, it...
Only import and a cell using `rs` works too, but still need to figure out the unload things
I think it works quite well except 1. context doesn't automatically update when some cells are changed (need to click and run the rs cell manually, I guess the update... here is the link
I think this ` {} ` is not possible at least in sugarCube... coz a Macro is either self-closing or have closing tag, and there can't be two Marcos of... rules can be a literal JS object, a json object or a twine variable ``` setup.JSLoaded = false; setup.lockID = LoadScreen.lock(); function parseObject (obj) { return Function('"use strict";return ('...
because what inside Macro.playload.contents is string, so it need to be parsed into object grammar() actually can take in JSON string but literal jsobject string need to parsed first