probably, you have 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware' in middleware which activates 'en' for given thread
I have a similar situation, but not the same I have: - django== 2.2.9 - channels == 2.4.0 - daphne == 2.5.0 I am using Redis as backend with the...
> worker's > In my particular case it was asgiref==3.3.1 the culprit, i did a rollback to 3.2.10 and it works well ! I have daphne 2.5.0/channels 2.4.0/django 3.0.10/djangorestframework 3.11.1...
@alvaro-alonso I have written my solution on the top or here is [link](
How did you solve this issue. I have the same one
Can you give a suggestion for django multilingual model like linguo?
you have to add condition when checking existence of prefix `not sender._meta.db_table.startswith(prefix)`
Hi, thanks a lot for reply. I will try soon and write about updates, ser