Results 79 issues of razor

> In duel mode, if you change map from the first one in which the duel tournament was started, the order that players enter the game is screwed up (first...

C: Server
P: Medium
T: Bug

> [17:14] Bird of Light🐦: Oh! The other day I was thinking about something I'd want in a next Jedi Academy, if we ever get one A "nickname" string for...

C: Server
P: Low
T: Enhancement

particularly without JA++ client

C: Client
C: Server
P: High
S: In Progress
T: Enhancement

C: Client
P: Low
S: On Hold
T: Enhancement

see [jkhub thread](

C: Server
P: Medium
T: JA+ Feature

`\.[0-9]+[ ;,}\)\n\t\+*/\-&\|]`, `(sin|tan|cos|sqrt|fabs|floor|ceil)[ ]*\(` avoid double promotion for performance `SCREEN_WIDTH`, `SCREEN_HEIGHT` instead of `640`, `480`

S: Completed
Category: Meta

Apparently version conflicts with glibc (due to C++11?) Either fix version mismatch or provide better installation instructions

P: Low
Category: Meta

Though it seems things like saber collision and your own hitbox are in totally different areas. Related to userinfo flooding via changing skins.

C: Server
P: Critical
T: Bug

C: Client
P: Low
T: Enhancement
T: JA+ Feature

`lua_toboolean` vs `luaL_checkboolean`

P: Low
Category: Meta
T: Optimisation
C: JPLua