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Modern & multiplatform 3D game engine in C++17

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Modern & multiplatform 3D game engine in C++17

Linux build
Windows build
macOS build
WASM build
Unit tests No CI yet No CI yet N/A
Codacy status Coverage status


RaZ comes from, as you may have noticed, my username Razakhel. This was also meant as a pun, since in french RàZ is the acronym for "Remise à zéro", which basically means "reset". I didn't have any particular intent behind this double meaning. Except maybe hoping that using RaZ might reset your mind because of its awesomeness? Oh well.

Written in modern C++ (17), ECS driven, it is primarily developed for learning purposes. It is intended to be as optimized as possible, while trying to stay as modular as it can.

The engine is available under Windows, Linux & macOS; it can also run in a web browser through WebAssembly (using Emscripten).

📖 If you want to get started, head to the wiki. For the documentation, look over here!

💬 A Discord server dedicated to RaZ is also available! Feel free to come by to follow the development, ask any question, or just say hi 👋


Crytek Sponza Hylian shield (PBR)
Crytek Sponza Hylian shield

More examples are available here.

Projects using RaZ

Name Maintainer/creator Description
Atmos Razakhel Atmospheric simulation
Midgard Razakhel Terrain procedural generation
Yggdrasil Razakhel Tree & foliage procedural generation

If you also are working on some on your own, feel free to get in touch so that I can add them to the list.


Module Features
Animation - Skeleton data structure
- Animation support (in progress)
- BVH import (in progress)
Audio - Playing/pausing/stopping/repeating sounds
- Positional audio
- WAV import
Math - Vectors, matrices & quaternions
- Angles (degrees/radians)
- Transformations (translation, rotation, scale)
- Noise (Perlin)
Rendering - OpenGL (4.6-3.3)
- Vulkan (in progress)
- Standard (Blinn-Phong) & PBR (Cook-Torrance) material models
- Deferred rendering, using a custom render graph
- Tessellation & compute shaders support
- Camera (perspective/orthographic)
- Light sources (point & directional)
- Cubemap
- Normal mapping
Physics - Shapes (line, plane, sphere, triangle, quad, AABB, OBB)
- Shape/shape collision checks (in progress)
- Ray/shape intersection checks (in progress)
- Rigid body simulation (in progress)
Misc - Custom ECS (Entity Component System) implementation
- Dynamic bitset
- Uniformized platform-dependant path strings
- Directed graph structure
- Meshes (OBJ import/export, FBX import, OFF import)
- Images (PNG import/export, TGA import, HDR import (in progress))
- Windowing (window, keyboard/mouse inputs with custom callbacks)
- Overlay using ImGui
- Multithreading, compiler, enum, string & type utilities