Erymanthus | RayDeeUx

Results 8 comments of Erymanthus | RayDeeUx

wait did we release countdown calculator to public? or is this just comments from other folks testing the feature also i don't want to make the code more spaghetti than...

yes there's a way to grab item timestamps for auctions but that's a double edged sword hence my spaghetti code concerns

@Sychic check again, things should be fine now. also my edits to countdowncalculator.kt are mostly cosmetic (comment blocks or string changes) for readability + instruction manual for future folks

todo: account for taming 60

`.getPriceOrNull() ?: Double.MAX_VALUE` is used to reduce the LOC necessary to determine cheapest pet

> Looks good, except for the wiki. That just does not work for me `/wiki WISP` fails with an invalid id. oof! i had skyhanni's fandom wiki toggled on so...

in hindsight, this could use a whitelist from the repo. but the good news is this is off by default, so only people who choose to enable this will be...