[git_status.txt](https://github.com/mrcmunir/jetson_nano_overclock/files/6053905/git_status.txt) After cloning I see that some files are not available and git status show many deleted files and some untracked files: ... Many files.. deleted: kernel/nvidia/sound/soc/tegra-virt-alt/tegra_asoc_util_virt_alt.h deleted: kernel/nvidia/sound/soc/tegra-virt-alt/tegra_asoc_xbar_virt_alt.c deleted:...
It only recognizes the qemu-system-arm on my jetson-nano which is a ARM64 bit.
Hi all, I am building the SDK with OpenCV4 on Ubuntu 20.04. I have got the build to work but due to this configuration in Options.cmake: if(WITH_API) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/DetectOpenCV.cmake) if(WITH_OPENCV4) set(WITH_CAM_MODELS...
Hello @cattaneod , How would you recommend as the steps required to use a different data set for training and evaluating the CMRNet ? I understand that CMRNet is scene...
CARLA version: 0.9.12 Platform/OS: Ubunut 20.04 I the documentation: https://carla.readthedocs.io/en/latest/python_api/#methods_28 says that: get_topology(self) Returns a list of tuples describing a minimal graph of the topology of the OpenDRIVE file. The...
Hello CARLA-Developers, Please see this issue below _CARLA version_ : 0.9.12 _Platform/OS_ Ubuntu 20.04 on HP ZBook Z8, NVIDIA RTX A3000 GPU, NVIDIA-SMI 510.85.02 Driver Version: 510.85.02 __Problem I experienced_...
Hello, I am trying to run a project that uses pykitti and here I have the code from odometry.py: ``` # Compute the rectified extrinsics from cam0 to camN T1...
Hi, Is it possible to build an image for arm64 qemu ? I know Google does have an arm64-generic build but that does not run yet on qemu. Possibly kernel...
Can anyone say what the benefit of having the LIDAR point backwards ? lidar_transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0, y=0, z=1.80), carla.Rotation(pitch=0, yaw=180, roll=0)) Also the lidar to camera translation makes difference of...
Hello @jedeschaud , The code for the function: ``` def transform_lidar_to_camera(lidar_transform, camera_transform): R_camera_vehicle = rotation_carla(camera_transform.rotation) R_lidar_vehicle = np.identity(3) #rotation_carla(lidar_tranform.rotation) #we want the lidar frame to have x forward R_lidar_camera =...