In unit LoggerPro.RESTAppender we have fExtendedInfoData. But this is not define for Android.
I've change some code in TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.JsonObjectToDataSet to have the values of a nested json object into the database. (see Is it possible to add the code into the repositorie?...
Error in unitest: function TRESTClient.DataSetInsert(const AResource: string; ADataSet: TDataSet; AFieldNamePolicy: TFieldNamePolicy) : IRESTResponse; begin Result := doPOST(AResource, [], ADataSet.AsJSONObjectString(False, AFieldNamePolicy)); end; Add TFieldNamePolicy ``` function TDataSetHelper.AsJSONObjectString(AReturnEmptyStringIfEOF: boolean; AFieldNamePolicy: TFieldNamePolicy): string;...
Hi Asbjørn, I've add a function that I get a new token with the refreshtoken. ``` procedure TSASLXOAuth2.GetNewTokenFromRefreshToken; var LClient: TRestClient; LRequest: TRESTRequest; LToken: string; LIntValue: int64; begin if OAuth2Authenticator.RefreshToken.IsEmpty...
Add LIB suffix 120 for SwagDoc like LoggerPro Add .\$(Platform)\$(Config) to unit output directory