Raul Bernal
Raul Bernal
Same for Tendermint v.0.34.20 ``` bcnad tendermint unsafe-reset-all I[2022-08-01|14:02:37.300] Removed all blockchain history dir=/Users/raul/data I[2022-08-01|14:02:37.306] Reset private validator file to genesis state keyFile=/Users/raul/config/priv_validator_key.json stateFile=/Users/raul/data/priv_validator_state.json ``` Should be: `dir=/Users/raul/.bcna/data`
Ok no problem, only testing the doc and links.
Awesome! Works: ``` bash-3.2$ go install github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/cosmovisor/cmd/cosmovisor@latest go: downloading github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/cosmovisor v1.3.0 go: downloading github.com/rs/zerolog v1.28.0 go: downloading github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk v0.46.0-beta2.0.20220909113810-4882f933b1a1 go: downloading google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20220725144611-272f38e5d71b go: downloading google.golang.org/grpc v1.49.0 go: downloading github.com/mattn/go-colorable...
Same for submit-upgrade `bcnad tx gov submit-proposal software-upgrade indica --upgrade-height 568550 --upgrade-info "Vote indica version to get last update securities from Cosmos SDK 0.42.4 and Tendermint 0.34.9 at block 568550"...
To put more context in this issue, I made a successful upgrade with the scaffolded of Ignite v0.28.0 Output of that test is here: ```go bcnad start 9:37AM INF Upgrading...
NOTE: my own test (previous comment) was made with NFT module deactivated but the Ignite clean test are done with NFT activated in app_conf etc
@julienrbrt Here you can see 3 scaffolds in 3 branches: This PRs compare: * v28.0 v28.1: https://github.com/RaulBernal/testd/compare/main...v28.1 * v28.0 v28.2: https://github.com/RaulBernal/testd/pull/2 * v28.1 v28.2: https://github.com/RaulBernal/testd/compare/v28.1...v28.2 Do you think it needs...
After starting to review everything from the scratch I noticed that I missed to call RegisterUpgradeHandlers() from the app.go file. Sorry for the inconvenience :(
Maybe upgrade handler is incomplete in that case; to check: - https://github.com/CosmWasm/wasmd/blob/v0.50.0/app/upgrades.go - https://github.com/CosmWasm/wasmd/blob/v0.51.0/app/upgrades.go
Doesn't help with forks (tested) https://github.com/RaulBernal/bcna_v4cosmwasm/pull/1/files