
Results 9 issues of Ratinod

OS: Windows 10 Firefox: 85.0.2 (x64) example: [https://tic80.com/play?cart=115](https://tic80.com/play?cart=115) Don't move the mouse cursor: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12137233/107885422-523d3b00-6f0b-11eb-9389-1437cf513df6.mp4 Move the mouse cursor, then stop: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12137233/107885485-a9431000-6f0b-11eb-9bcf-c372b3595437.mp4

needs: more testing
needs: more information

Some fonts (containing Cyrillic characters) do not change Cyrillic characters. Fonts: Yuji Syuku Rampart One DotGothic16 Train One Stick (maybe others too) - OS: Windows 10 - Browser: Firefox


copy\paste not work... (of course) "cannot import multiarray from numpy.core"

problem demonstration: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12137233/219972927-e92e3b2d-28ee-418b-9ab2-911da4ea0507.mp4


Can you add support for .gguf version of MoonDream2? Currently .gguf gives an error with "LLava Clip Loader". > [moondream2-mmproj-f16.gguf](https://huggingface.co/vikhyatk/moondream2/blob/main/moondream2-mmproj-f16.gguf) > [moondream2-text-model-f16.gguf](https://huggingface.co/vikhyatk/moondream2/blob/main/moondream2-text-model-f16.gguf) Specialized MoonDream2 node gives me a CUDA error...

There was a need for "XY Plot" and this extension was found. However, I encountered a slight inconvenience. x_start_value and x_step (y similar) cannot be negative value. (And as I...

When using Comfyroll Studio (ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes), and to be specific, when using the XY Grid feature, a large number of saved images are created which are subsequently deleted as they are...

>"...automatic detect and install missing models for workflow from civit ai and hugging face..." Please add an option that allows you to disable any automatic downloading of files (models, images,...

I really want to be able to use a specific image as a starting point. There is an example and places how this can be implemented for the original (AnimateDiff)...