Results 2 issues of RRK

Request for help, for training the MultiNet 1. I was trying to download the files, using the download_data.py, with the link from the email. but the program stopped with the...

Jetson nano with Ubuntu 18.04 +ROS melodic, interface with D435 camera **Error while trying to use the ./installRealSenseROS.sh ~/catkin_ws** `[ 95%] Built target fake_dynamic_reconfigure_server In file included from /home/rrk/catkin_ws/src/realsense-ros/realsense2_camera/src/realsense_node_factory.cpp:5:0: /home/rrk/catkin_ws/src/realsense-ros/realsense2_camera/src/../include/base_realsense_node.h:53:34:...