Anybody have fresh database with balance more 0.1 btc ? Will be great if *.txt file. I can't make dump, because my hdd 250gb i can't use bitcoin core
> > Anybody have fresh database with balance more 0.1 btc ? Will be great if *.txt file. I can't make dump, because my hdd 250gb i can't use bitcoin...
Anybody have fresh (make dump) database with balance more 1 btc ? Will be great if *.txt file. I can't make dump, because my hdd 250gb i can't use bitcoin...
I have this problem too. Try Change 31 line pk.publicKey().toString().hex().upper() pk.publicKey().toString().encode().hex().upper()
https://github.com/secretnumber/utxodump 07-feb-2020 0.1btc and more (not sure, maybe balance lower) But *.picle format, need convert to *.txt, I don't know how.
> At the link below, you can find btc addresses with more than 0.1 as of the end of June / beginning of July 2020. For free. > http://raboninco.com/6234420/bitcrackjuly2020 Link...
Anybody have fresh database with 1btc and more ?
Use random mode. I can't make dump bitcoin adress, my ssd 250gb, need help
Can you share ?
@tdi1990 Of course, if find some btc