SNES Jr recoding of GreatHierophant's SPC file https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/418896436428537859/435498545521360896/SNESjr_Chrono_Trigger_Lavos_2nd_to_3rd_form.mp4
my calculation: (Pixel Aspect Ratio)x(horizontal resolution/vertical resolution)=(Display Aspect Ratio) The Display Aspect Ratio of 8:7 (for most games) has the Pixel Aspect Ratio is 1:1 (in other words square pixels)....
For 1:1 pixels { "width": 512, "height": 224, "aspect_w": 8, "aspect_h": 7, "rotation": 0, "mirror": 0 }, { "width": 512, "height": 240, "aspect_w": 16, "aspect_h": 15, "rotation": 0, "mirror": 0...
> Your post has just confused me more. Are you confirming the numbers I listed? While you got it right for the native pixel aspect ratio 8:7, the other aspect...
Do you mean a display aspect ratio of 4:3 or a pixel aspect ratio of 4:3? Because I have never heard of anyone wanting a pixel aspect ratio of 4:3....
224p because the overscan of the crt would cut off the resolution with more lines than that. Besides that I find DAR of 4:3 to be just as invalid as...
If you had to only pick one, then have a PAR 8:7 (DAR 64:49, ect) because that is what an actual snes outputs. CRTs have an approximate display aspect ratio...