
Results 10 issues of Rasool-deldar

import { Context } from '@nuxt/types'; import { provide, onGlobalSetup, defineNuxtPlugin } from "@nuxtjs/composition-api"; import { DefaultApolloClient } from "@vue/apollo-composable"; /** This plugin will connect @nuxt/apollojs with @vue/apollo-composable */ export...

Please advise how to use ssr using the @ vue / apollo-composable package. Now ssr does not work with the following method. ``` not work ssr useQuery( Test, {}, {...

Please update your package and use composition-api. You can use the composition-api feature.

Please upgrade to vuetify-js version 2.4.9

feature request

Please continue to build version 4. We have been waiting for version 4 for several months now, but unfortunately I do not know why you have stopped making it.

**What problem does this feature proposal attempt to solve?** To support multilingual sites ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/58503211/112939460-bffe9880-9140-11eb-9ca5-68ba8415f1bf.png) As you can see in the image, we use trans to return a specific type of...


We have added a feature to support SVG icons. We have also optimized the size of SVG icons. The next feature is adding auto-import for subdirectories. Two bugs fixed: 1-...

(node:17684) Warning: To load an ES module, set "type": "module" in the package.json or use the .mjs extension. (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created) C:\www\node_modules\.pnpm\[email protected][email protected]\node_modules\quasar-app-extension-qdraggabletree\src\boot\register.js:1...

When the graphql file loads on the server run console it says please fix this problem. ERROR [rollup-plugin-dynamic-import-variables] Unexpected token (1:6) 12:36:18 ERROR file: {pathProject}/graphql/categories/queries/categoryAll.graphql:1:6 12:36:18 ERROR Unexpected token (1:6)...


There is a problem (in the case of components) that you have to write the Dialog in the file and not DialogIndex because when we want to load the Index...