Thanks for your fast response. i still have 2 questions: 1) if lidar is not used why are the parameters 'num_lidar_pts', 'num_radar_pts' used? 2) important parameters like the intrinsics of...
Thanks for your reply, still i have 2 question: 1) are all elements in the "cams" used? 2) what is the difference between gt_boxes and bboxes3d_cams?
Dear auther, i was checking the provided code and in the 'CustomNuScenesDataset' in 'get_data_info' you are getting just the fowloing data: 'token','lidar_path','sweeps','ego2global_rotation',ego2global_translation, lidar2ego_rotation, lidar2ego_translation, 'prev','next','scene_token','frame_idx','timestamp','bboxes2d',,'labels2d','centers2d','depths','bboxes_ignore' and in 'cams': timestamp, sensor2lidar_rotation,...
thanks for your reply agane: i belive i have just one last question regarding the coorinat system of the lables: 1 - camera_coord : 'bboxes2d', 'labels2d', 'centers2d' 2 - Lidar...