
Results 23 comments of Max

Hello - yes this sound interesting - i would love to help. KR, Max

Thanks a lot - maybe a stupid question - How can i update not this change to my local venv-environment? Should i simply overwrite the this one file "" you...

Works great now for the profile "zuck". But when i try to load the information with eg. "NintendoDE" i get the same error as before

I checked - Firefox is allready installed I also downloaded geckodriver.exe I added the folders of both files (firefox.exe and geckodriver.exe to the path-variable) But i still get the same...

The login and password i read from an excel-sheet( (this is the same on both clients - i also checked on the problematic client if the information is read from...

ok thanks - i see - but what can i do now Is there any setting in instaPy related to this?

Hello - is there any solution for that in the meantime?

ok thanks - so when i understand this correct this is still currently not available in the linkedin-api module. And you mean i should use the "normal" API-endpoint form linkedin....

Thanks a lot for the response - When i understand it right - i have to check the xlsx i want to import manually as described above. There is no...

Hello - i am still not able to package a running script using langchain - (i would like to create an executable with --onefile on Windows and Mac) Where should...