Cannot Read propery 'endsWith' of undefined - Tidak basa membaca properti 'endsWith' tidak terdefinisi (Bisa variable nya none, null atau undefined (Tidak ada), Untuk penjelasan, tolong baca [ini](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18768344/javascript-endswith-function-not-working)
Bisa saja Variable atau commandnya gak di kasih argument contoh : !anime (seharusnya !anime )
+1 Dedicated 2.0GiB and 5.9GiB Shared SD Works fine on 2Gigs tbh, its just slow and limited to 512x512
OsirisAndExtra is basically Osiris with extra utils and modules and (my own experience) is unstable and not fully optimized
Works normally for me. Prolly you messed something up in your cfg, or just use https://github.com/reibc/apex-script/tree/main (reibc pr)
Which file? And mind showing some proof as well?
> Apologies. Dont have a screenshot and since deleted but if you scan The folder (Specifically the hyde64.dll I believe) it comes up with the Neshta File infector. You can...
I think you need to change the hex code from line 62 to the filtered color by taking a screenshot, and using a color picker tool on the internet or...
For changing Weapon position: Edit Line 480-ish (From ~$*1 to ~$*3 and ~$*2 to ~$*3 and so on) For ads sens edit the settings.ini file and edit zoom_sens value to...
It's a HUGE possibility the detection came from "[hyde.dll](https://github.com/mgsweet/Apex-NoRecoil-2021/blob/main/AHK/src/hyde.dll)" and not anywhere else, disable your AntiVirus and download again, then add hyde.dll on your exclusion list