Raoul Hidalgo Charman
Raoul Hidalgo Charman
Seems you also get a walking comment bug if you have a comment between a `let` and an `in` line that are long enough: ```haskell testMethod :: String -> String...
It's running on a more than powerful enough server if that's what you mean. Even if that was the reason I don't think the cache update should be blocking these...
Ah in which case yes, this is build with the default cabal options so should be built with `-threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-I00` (plus the various options for the library compilation), and...
Would it make sense to add `SYSCONFDIR "mako/config"` as an option [here](https://github.com/emersion/mako/blob/master/config.c#L696) and provide a default file that can go there, but leave the rest of the default setting as...
> I guess I'm not clear about the motivation, can you say more? Do you want to do this for all the other packages too? Where is this going? I...
> So the main motivation is reduced compile time? I'm not sure that's worth the added complexity on our side, tbh. > > That said, I'm not sure I totally...
> This gives us two ways to do things. The second way (using the GHC API) will not currently be tested (and I'd rather not add yet another dimension to...
Updated. I notice that #3804 removes `configuration-ghc-94.nix` but I've left the change to that in while it's still in draft.
@Vekhir I've updated it to be mergable. It's worth noting that to avoid ghc-lib-parser you'd have to avoid the ormolu/fourmolu plugins because they depend on ghc-lib-parser and it looks like...
Updated so at least the individual commits work by themselves.