Hi Tom, Sorry for bringing this issue up, but recently I was attempting to dabble with grouped layers using other plugins: [groupedlayercontrol](https://github.com/ismyrnow/leaflet-groupedlayercontrol) and [styledlayercontrol](https://github.com/davicustodio/Leaflet.StyledLayerControl), since I've not been able to...
Hi! Thanks so much! Here's the index file, and the [data files](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ftm758xkdot1l1e/test_map_data.rar?dl=0) if you need to check the map! [index.txt](https://github.com/tomchadwin/qgis2web/files/811213/index.txt)
Oh yes, forgot to thank you! I had to do some minor edits (for some reason I had to remove the .min from the link to the CSS), but both...
By any chance a working version of collapsible group be implemented? I've tried the for @grischard suggested, but there are no expanded layers beneath.
Hi! Yep I have included both scripts in the html file and did the clear cache step. This is the format qgis2web implemented my shp-turned-geojson: ``` function pop_PrivateHospitals1(feature, layer) {...
I believe the problem lies with the format in which qgis2web created the layers. I copied the above code for the privatehospital layer (excluding the last two lines) onto your...