Done: - you can save and restore the camera location using hotkeys. ~~- Calculate and restore the camera pivot point instead of the location to improve the UX when the...
It would be great to be able to configure the position of the GUI elements (especially the minimap).
It would be nice to have camera location hotkeys. Usually those are set with control+F1..F5 and recalled with F1..F5 (or more)
- clicking on a unit portrait selects that unit - shift clicking on it, deselects it - control clicking on it selects all of the units of the same type...
- Control+shift+groupKey already *adds* the selected units into the group - alt+groupKey now removes the units from all the groups and *adds* them into the group - control+alt+groupKey now removes...
Currently the modifier keys are hardcoded, it would be nice if you could specify any hotkey with a key combo (on the ini file and the settings menu)
Done: - Customizable minimap location Todo: - Customizable command chart location - Customizable selection display location - Customizable hover text location - Customizable chat location - Customizable debug text location...
The game is missing hotkeys for building units, buildings and unit skills. It would be nice to have those. As a suggestion a grid layout would simplify an initial implementation.
This is quite an important feature prevalent in almost all RTS that is missing. It's especially important for people who want to improve at multiplayer, watching your replays is an...
An option to make a multiplayer game with a particular game speed would be nice.