Muthusamy Ramakrishnan

Results 5 comments of Muthusamy Ramakrishnan

Dear Erica, thank you so much for your suggestion, I will try this. with regards Ramky

Dear Kevin, Many thanks for your kindness. 1. RepeatModeler is a de novo transposable element family identification but it will not produce GFF file. 2. RepeatMasker is based on using...

> `mkdir transposon_annotation_tools_env/` > `conda create -y -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c derkevinriehl -p transposon_annotation_tools_env/ python=2.7 mamba conda genometools-genometools transposon_annotation_tools_proteinncbicdd1000 transposon_annotation_tools_transposonpsicli transposon_annotation_tools_mitetracker transposon_annotation_tools_helitronscanner transposon_annotation_tools_mitefinderii transposon_annotation_tools_mustv2 transposon_annotation_tools_sinefinder transposon_annotation_tools_sinescan=1.1.2` @lybCNU @DerKevinRiehl Dear...

@lybCNU Dear @lybCNU I also request you, please give some suggestion to install repeatmodeler repeatmasker, sicne @DerKevinRiehl did not recommmend too install via conda. also no error for " conda...

> Good afternoon! Please, could you help: I have a large Avena genome, which weight about 3 Gb. When I run ReasonateTE, this program takes just a huge amount of...