Raman Kumar
Raman Kumar
hi, I have just learned the kubernates and studying the source code. Can I contribute to this PDK or I need more experience.
@clefourrier for sure will work
Thanks for assigning. @clefourrier 😊 I am still examining and experimenting more...
😢 giving up fingering out myself my level - I was not familiar with transformer architecture, collator etc, and other models like bert now I have studied them, and the...
new to deep learning I am using macbook air m1 While running command `pip install -e ".[dev]"` for transformers repo, It shows some error for tensorflow So, I am using...
Right now I am running this script script.py ``` import argparse import os, sys from pathlib import Path import torch from torch import nn from torch.hub import load_state_dict_from_url from transformers.utils...
Once again explain how to supply datasets in an argument I created a file `predict_custom.py` alongside (in same folder) conversion `script.py` and pasted all code you gave ``` from datasets...
🙂 Got familiar with PyTorch geometric and Graph Neural Network Project I read about parameters and datasets for Graph from [Graphormer](https://github.com/microsoft/Graphormer)/[docs](https://github.com/microsoft/Graphormer/tree/main/docs) here at [tokengt](https://github.com/jw9730/tokengt)/[large-scale-regression](https://github.com/jw9730/tokengt/tree/main/large-scale-regression)/[scripts](https://github.com/jw9730/tokengt/tree/main/large-scale-regression/scripts) was training script for tokengt using`...
Next I added some import-related code in transformers folder like `src/transformers/__init__.py `and other files (taking the help of Graphormer PR ) after that I was successfully able to import HF🤗tokegt...
Initially, I had no idea how to map them and to what. I don't even know what they mean. So, I spent some time studying transformers and looking at code....