Ram Srinivasan
Ram Srinivasan
Is this done? How do we verify if this will happen again?
This happened to me just now - looks like it happens when the input file is empty.
Also asked on bioinformatics SE: https://bioinformatics.stackexchange.com/questions/21937/using-diffusion-map-on-normalized-or-pca-reduced-data
@Himalayan-Java That is not a viable solution, you cannot pipe the output from the tool as it does not write to a pipe-able stream. Like you say though, a script...
Which version are you using? I see this bug in xenome version 1.0.1 downloaded from https://github.com/data61/gossamer/issues/9#issuecomment-402958742 I use `sed '1~4s/^/@/' each_output.fastq` to get around it.