Lê Minh Cường

Results 12 comments of Lê Minh Cường

Thanks for replying @bnoordhuis. I give you result that prints out of this command ````find node_modules -name \*.node```` in here: ```` $ find node_modules -name \*.node node_modules/canvas/build/Release/canvas.node node_modules/node-sass/vendor/darwin-x64-102/darwin-x64-102_binding.node node_modules/node-sass/vendor/win32-x64-93/binding.node ````...

Yes, I am using v16, I will try to use your solution and give you feedback. Thanks @bnoordhuis

Hi @bnoordhuis . - I removed canvas and node-sass then type. Nothing shows up. `` $ find node_modules -name \*.node `` - Finally, I type ``npm run test:unit`` and still...

Hi @bnoordhuis . Is there anything that I can give you? Thanks @bnoordhuis

Hi @tony19 We have two kinds of errors Error 1: FATAL ERROR: v8::FromJust Maybe value is Nothing. Error 2: # # Fatal error in , line 0 # Check failed:...

Hi @tony19 Did you test your code with the latest Node version (v16.17.0)? For me, I tested and cannot reproduce this bug for running code 20 times. I hope you...

Oh I have seen it, it's really great config. Thank for your ideas and supporting 😄. @tony19

Hi @tony19 I checked your ci, does it pass or cancel?

Ok now we will close this issue. Upgrade to the latest version (v16.17.0) to fixed Thanks everyone.🎉 🎉 🎉.

> For me, the issue happens most frequently when I start `vitest`. It seems how the tests are randomly shuffled affects if I get the error. But even when I...