Ram Narasimhan
Ram Narasimhan
Preparing For Your First Talk by Yash Prabhu, presented at ElaConf 2015 links to a YouTube video that is no longer present. (At least not in this URL.)
Jannes: If I understood the function `def set_max_fps(last_frame_time,FPS = 1)` correctly, the `sleep_time` should be in seconds. Since you calculated current time in milliseconds, you should convert it back to...
I forked this repo, and under settings-->Pages, I switched to the 'gh-pages` branch. No other changes made. And I get the following build error from Github. ` Rendering: _posts/design/2015-08-16-typography.md Conversion...
As many of you know, WeatherUnderground is blocking this package. They have started charging for historical weather. One user has pointed out a potential alternative that seems very promising. https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/request/download.phtml...
Today, the package by default checks for an airportCode. If the URL is not valid, it throws out an error. But it would be nicer to also try next as...
Given a string with a city name, return one or more cities that match the user-input name. Create a large table of top cities Use grep and fuzzy search to...
first call singleDay, then get the closest to the hour being supplied.