Ralph M. Rivera
Ralph M. Rivera
When a list item has multiple links, it does not render properly. Here is the note that I used for the mindmap below: ``` # Main Header ## Subheader 1...
### Feature Description It would be great if Laravel Idea could auto complete language files with the `__()` helper based on an additional custom namespaces such as: `Lang::addNamespace('Foo', base_path().'/app/Foo/Language/');` In...
Can this package clean private channels. I installed it and ran it, but don't see any private channels.
When creating a Waypoint file, the list references itself. Is there a way to prevent this? For example, assuming I have the following: Spice (folder) - Jessica (file) - Leto...
Line _300_ of _ns_widget_mailchimp.class.php_ is not validating properly via the W3C's validator. Ideally, this: `jQuery [...]` Should read as this: `jQuery [...]`
Hi, I wanted to confirm how I can target elements via CSS based on the plugin output. Based on what I see in the browser markup, I am concluding that...