When creating the package, please take into account that Linux(Mono) uses case sensitive paths. Please replace the path "scripts" with "Scripts". Thanks a lot
Can confirm issue. The spamming situation was bad. Spamming disk, spamming memory and spamming CPU. ~~However I temporarily worked around that by adding "intel_idle.max_cstate=0" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub~~ ~~Note: check...
Switching to acpi_idle just lowered probability to get this symptom but it still occured. Another attempt worked out better. To /etc/systemd/sleep.conf add: ``` [Sleep] AllowSuspend=yes AllowHibernation=no AllowSuspendThenHibernate=no AllowHybridSleep=no ``` Hibernate...
While it reliably wakes up now, ACPI GPE storm seems not completely gone, still getting it but rarely now (once since yesterday, compared to pretty much everytime when waking up...
Yeah, funny thing. While Windows 2015 is contained in DSDT table Windows 2020 isn't. However, Windows 2015 shows same symptoms while 2020 ran stable till now. Always waking up even...
Dind't have GPE storm for a while with deactivated deep sleep. However still having problems when shutting down and a slow wake up. I figured out, that battery saver BIOS...
I also face this issue with a german keyboard. However I cannot confirm, that de.json would be the problem. If I overwrite us.json and us-extended.json with de.json, install and switch...