@mdavidn Oh okay. So this has already been noted! Great! so when are they going to release a new version? Do you have any idea?
@mdavidn Okay, why did you not prefer some other gem then? Like RubyXL?
@noniq okay thank you.
@kapoorlakshya Hi, it's simple, Just run the automation in 5 browser simultanously and record all the window, this happens. For an example, > a=[] > 5.times do > a recorder...
Yes, 5 browsers are being recorded at the same time and it saves 5 files. If you still want an perfect example, I will automate my electricity bill payment flow...
Video is moving but you can see only the first page in the video and after such a long time, suddenly last page shows up and then video ends there.
sure thing! Thank you very much for taking this forward
@titusfortner Hi, This is one of the essential feature, whats the problem in adding this feature? Recently Firefox has given the exception class for this error. Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementClickInceptedError So we can...
@titusfortner I know the various conditions, there are permanent overlay and there are temporary overlay,Its not suitable for permanent overlay, but what's the harm in rescuing this? If it's permanent...
@titusfortner but timeout execption in WATIR is clearly telling us about timeout because of what! It's telling us it's timeout because unable to locate element or timeout for element to...