Raja Reddy
Raja Reddy
By default returning only 5 visible cells. i want to customise number of visible cells., ie., (10 cells). is it feasible, if feasible how?. Thanks
let QUEUE = DispatchQueue.global(qos: DispatchQoS.QoSClass.background) MQTTSessionManager(persistence: false, maxWindowSize: 16, maxMessages: 1024, maxSize: 64, maxConnectionRetryInterval: 60.0, connectInForeground: false, streamSSLLevel: nil, queue: QUEUE) when i pass DispatchQueue.main its working but issue with...
sorry for issue how to install on watch os.. is this support for watch os? if not suggest any libraries for watch os
how to enable background running mqtt i tried to publish a topic but am not getting call back on background
i try to set adjustfonttofitwidth and tried line breaking modes also but no use can u tell me how to truncate text?
how to change the frame of back views. i need to make which view is front frame lesser than back view Thanks advance
i just edit host, and topic why my connection is always closed and what is subscriptions dict?
Am pushed my library using "pod trunk push" and got 🎉 Congrats 🚀 CountryCodePickerSwift (1.0.0) successfully published 📅 June 21st, 14:42 🌎 https://cocoapods.org/pods/CountryCodePickerSwift 👍 Tell your friends! but when i...
their is no proper document how to install.. then why u build frame work..