Hello @Phaiax, I've begin to look at your change yesterday and i'll try to test a look on windows and mac osx with your change this week-end. You're change are...
i'll do the testing/merging next week as i'll be on holiday, sorry for the long delay.
Sorry life happened, my free time went away and i've been busy since. I'll comment your last comment as soon as possible, i prefer not to give time schedule right...
Hello, Yes true in that case its annoying, i can add a "close this panel" line/action that will remember the settings for a particular file or folder for the current...
I obliged the user to make a choice, so i force the panel as long as i don't see a valid configuration for the project/opened file, as the plugin is...
i'll try to take a look but i don't have much time these days to work on the plugin
I'm not sure how to do that, i'll look into it
Hello, I will take a look and see what is happening. Thx for the report.
Hello, Yes current behavior is not great, it should be an override/inherit behavior for the settings. I will look into that.
Hello, On my windows machine the most expensive node operation goes up 25% of UC for few seconds the time the action take and never stays at such high percentage....