Rahul Kumar Goyal

Results 3 comments of Rahul Kumar Goyal

Hi @roland-KA, I have created a function to plot decision tree using CairoMakie (https://github.com/Rahulub3r/Julia-ML-Utils/blob/main/decisionTreeUtils.jl). Although this is a minimum working example, I think it can be changed to be production...

Sure. An MWE is as follows. Suggestions are appreciated. ``` using MLJ using DecisionTree using CairoMakie using Random X, y = make_blobs(300;rng=MersenneTwister(1234)) dtc = @load DecisionTreeClassifier pkg=DecisionTree verbosity=0 dtc_model =...

Yes, I am interested. However, I am not sure how we would implement them without Makie. RE feature names, if you do not specify them, they will be shown as...