Dear all,I want to get attendance of a specific user or a specific date.How it will be possible to get it.Please guide if any have the key.
@kamshory I have the array of all attendances.My array structure is like this. [0] => 1 [1] => 1 **[2] => 8 //it is state.What does this means for???** [3]...
Dear in tables.html in jQuery dataTables portion all the buttons export to pdf,csv etc etc but **Export to Excel Not Working** means its generate the file but that was empty.
Dear! Actually its selected 3 by default & I want to select the last one by default. I am stuck here.Please help.
Dear @kamshory first all thank you very much for guidance.Dear @kamshory is it possible to add/update the attendance of any user.Means If I want to add the attendance for userABC...