``` def writeStringToFile(text, file_path): """ Writes a string to a text file. Args: text (str): The string to be written to the file. file_path (str): The path to the output...
@Rudsriva I cloned, built and installed the KitchenSink app and reproduced the error : [removed video since it contains some private details. I think it's not needed since error reproduced...
@Rudsriva Any updates on this ?
@Rudsriva I ran a new login attempt: TrackingID: ROUTERGW_1657dbc1-a79c-498c-b36c-b9a2b75971e7 Logs ``` 2024-04-10 16:19:36.872 23722-23722 ImeTracker com.cisco.sdk_android I com.cisco.sdk_android:2af3eb3: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 2024-04-10 16:19:36.879 23722-23722 HandWritingStubImpl com.cisco.sdk_android I getCurrentKeyboardType:...
@Rudsriva Any updates on this ?
@Rudsriva Any updates on this ? I am waiting please
@sandiban Thanks for your assistance
@sandiban @Rudsriva Hi, Any updates about this please ?
@sandiban Thanks
@shalinsirwani @daniele777 After running prepare_libs.sh, a jar and a ARM lib will be copied to /library/built/output folder in Android project. (Note: NOT `outputs` , it's `output` (singular)) That jar contains...