after switching once:  after switching thrice 
@adriaandegroot Thank you for the quick response. > This is probably because, when installation fails, Calamares leaves the target-partitions it was working on mounted. Exactly. This is not an issue...
> Or re-run it with `--no-nvram` I think that is my preferred option over not having grub at all. > That kind of just kicks the problem up the road...
Overlooked that you solved the issue already. @Unb0rn can you please highlight that a bit? Can you also maybe elaborate on how to set the Bluetooth to dual instead le?...
sorry, overlooked in like 10 runs that it didn't work, damn unit-testing where you are only able to look at the log. Piece of Shi\* Arma. +1 for the original...
Thanks, this is probalby due to
Of cause. Our moular project addon structure.  and the description.ext of the development addon that i'm currently working on. Just functions for some purposes. This has not been loaded...
The problem with the RPT logs is its location and a slight delay of arma creating that RPT. You can technically implement that feature yourself through a java project or...
I can confirm this, nice summary @davidlav this bugged me a lot too, wonder why i didn't notice it. **Addition** it's not a one time, end of line, scope or...
Optional warning would be a workaround. Not optimal but a workaround. Maybe with a "disable" button.