I'm in a strange situation. I made an integration with firebird (which I don't have access to configure it) where I look for the viq query information and insert it...
In version 7.5.0 I set the client_encoding: 'latin1' and it works for ascii databases. In the current version it just returns some weird characters: Version 7.5.0: Supervision Version 8.7.3: Supervis�o....
Is it possible to check if, when starting the project, check which messages from clients I have already dealt with (read) and which ones do I need to deal with?
guys, i'm having a lot of problems connecting to whatsapp web and that, coincidentally, i'm with some customers also with problems with the library. Are you going through the same...
**Hello, could you let me know what it might be?** TypeError: process.stdin.setRawMode is not a function at C:\Users\Rafael Carvalho\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\igdm-cli\bin\index.js:648:49 at new Promise () at new F (C:\Users\Rafael Carvalho\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\igdm-cli\node_modules\core-js\library\modules\_export.js:36:28) at _loop2$...