
Results 7 issues of RafaHPSUnicamp

**Hi, I just wanted to know how to select the best results from the Playtpus code that I adapted from LINGO software. Because the Playtpus gives me a lot of...

Hi, I finally managed to get my minimization and maximization code related to my doctor's research. The code is here. So, I have a few questions: - How I can...

Hi, anyone here is still answering the issues on Platypus here? Because I am waiting for one week and I still do not get a return on my question? Kind...

Hi. My code is now working. However, is still going as a unfeasible problem, despite the solutions looks like feasible solution. Also, the errors is close to zero, according to...

Hi, I discovered that all my restrictions does not working. Like the first restriction: S_total = S_comercio + S_insumo The best results from my code does not follow that restriction,...

Hi, I am trying to select the best result from a single objective problem, however since I am novice on Platypus, I do not know how to do that. Any...

Hi. I am trying to adapt my problem from LINGO software to Playtpus language and I cannot run this code. Someone can help to tell me what was wrong? The...