
Results 18 issues of Radzhab

In log i see Webview request, but most needed its Webview cookies. How get it?

How attach it to webview? I find methods only to rv and lv

I cannot import project to Android Studio. Please make normal project

Извини что пишу сюда - контакты не нашел. Какие фильтры применить к данной картинке? Я сделал edge, но никак не могу избавиться от линии. Да и вообще не нравится текущий...

import libs from dir its no good

When i post image its raise error `{"status": "fail", "error": ["ConnectionError(: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused) caused by: NewConnectionError(: Failed to establish a new connection:...

I see it updated in last year I try upload video file, but its raise error `api.post_video("d:\\1.mp4",(640,358),60,'d:\\123.jpg',"caprio",)` `{"message": "Transcode error: Video file does not contain duration", "status": "fail"}`