Hi, like FSharpCSharp I have been testing Demucs and the ConvTasnet model implemented by Demucs group for a while and I´m very impressed by the results of meta-tasnet and how...
Thank You!!. It took me "a little" to understand the code but now I can separate stereo audio in the colab notebook.
Hi, the code work with 1.5 minutes stereo songs and the output are four stereo stems with rate 32000 HZ. I have appended this lines to the resample definition from...
I have two questions after separated a bunch of tracks in mono and also in stereo: 1. The output stems are too loud. How can i deactivate the normalization of...
1. I actually delete IPython and the yoyutube lines from the code because I don´t use it. This is the code that call separate and write the output file: audio,...
I run the notebook again with your separation stereo code instead of my "frankestein" version and it works smoothly. This is your code: network.eval() with torch.no_grad(): separation_left = network.inference(mix_left, n_chunks=8)[-1].cpu().squeeze_(2)...
I have downloaded the MusDB tracks and I have checked that the sum of the stems is not equal to the stereo mix. Not only that, the difference between the...