Oscar Salguero
Oscar Salguero
Yes, that would be me!
I've updated my HW list with a 3D printed mount for the camera pan/tilt servo: 1x ROB-09065 Servo Mount https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=u9df835d9-c31a-4138-9743-8f73645327d7 1x ROB-09065 Servo Adjustable Base https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=u78f526a3-947c-440a-8378-0e999def3ee5
Digging around, I found this commit [4c38147](https://github.com/square/retrofit/commit/4c38147577d47227b05c0bdb0e8bfefd0f995dec?diff=split) made by @JakeWharton that adds methods to tell if the field name or value should be encoded or not in the body. But,...
Hey thank you @JakeWharton, you rock man!, Evidently I missed that test case. I tried with: ``` @Field(value = "user[email]", encoded = false) ``` and the request didn't went through,...