
Results 15 issues of Rabbitzzc

In fact, many projects has installing glob packages, and glob package are not needed when glob is turned off(disabledGlob). Therefore, I personally believe that Glob can be used as a...

https://github.com/adamreisnz/replace-in-file/blob/main/lib/helpers/make-replacements.js#L43 need add : ```ts if (typeof item === 'string') item = new RegExp(item, 'g') ```

I read the asynchronous part (callLater), but couldn’t understand the mechanism. Can you explain it a bit more? ### Bug the code by `Promise`: ```js console.log(1) Promise.resolve(2).then(v=>console.log(v)) console.log(3) # or...

in vue2.x ```vue // Parent export default { method: { sayHello() { console.log('hello') } } } // Child export default { methods: { sayWorld() { console.log('hi') this.$emit('hello') console.log('world') } }...

#### 问题 当设置 `keepdom: true`, 然后调用 `Modal.method` 会重复创建 dom 的 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26913511/163162727-05a1bfee-2e39-42a8-9d71-d5386e9ff699.png) #### 解决方案 https://github.com/DouyinFE/semi-design/blob/main/packages/semi-ui/modal/confirm.tsx#L54 看了一下代码,加上 `keepDOM={false}` 应该就可以吧 ```ts function render(renderProps: ConfirmProps) { ReactDOM.render(, div); } ```



Sometimes, I need to take a screenshot to show someone else. That is inconvenient, so this method is provided.

### 这个功能解决了什么问题 一般的走马灯组件都会有鼠标移入暂停的能力,移动端可以设置一个点击暂停的能力 ### 你建议的方案是什么 https://github.com/EvodiaAut/vue-marquee-text-component/blob/master/README.md 参考这里的 pause 功能就可以


If there are multiple folders and there are multiple `index.html`, I think the plugin needs to provide a hint. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26913511/95283121-951c4180-088d-11eb-8e0a-af090e27e12b.png) ```js contentBase: [resolveFile('example1'), resolveFile('example'), resolveFile('dist')] ```